
ESA - Submissions Open

  Environ Sci Arch SUBMISSIONS OPEN VOLUME II ISSUE 2 We would like to invite you to contribute papers for consideration and publication in the Environmental Science Archives (Environ Sci Arch) under Volume II. It is published on a biannual basis (June and December). All submitted articles should be original and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the formatting style of the journal.  ESA  reviews papers within approximately ONE month of submission and publishes accepted articles in the relevant forthcoming issues upon receiving the final versions by the authors. SUBMIT NOW


  VOLUME II SPECIAL THEMATIC ISSUE 2 GO TO THIS ISSUE Published Papers Environmental Toxicity and Oxidative Stress on Gonads of Fishes DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7524329 The knowledge of oxidative stress in fish and other animals has a great importance in the environmental and aquatic toxicological studies. Oxidative stress is evoked by many chemicals, including some pesticides, metals and other organic pollutants. Antioxidant defense systems in fish and other animals can be used to assess a specific area of toxicity. The present understanding of the role played by numerous chemical and environmental toxins in the onset of oxidative stress in the gonads of fishes is summarized in this article. These toxins play a significant role in the development of reactive oxygen species by inducing oxidative stress in both aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Reactive oxygen species are produced in excess, which causes oxidative damage such as lipid peroxidation, protein and DNA oxidation, and enzyme inact


  VOLUME II ISSUE 1 GO TO THIS ISSUE Published Papers 01/01/23 Nanotoxicological Studies: Still in their Infancy  DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7497803  Zorawar Singh Nanoparticles have existed for millions of years on Earth and have been employed by people for different purposes. Similar in size to biological molecules like proteins, nanoparticles can exist in nature. Nanoparticles have dimensions that cannot exceed one hundred nanometers, making them much smaller than human cells. However, because of the comparatively huge amount of surface area that they cover, they are capable of having considerable specific effects.  In recent years, because of the enhanced human capacity to produce synthetic nanoparticles, significant attention has been focused on nanoparticles. Nanoparticle toxicity studies have just lately emerged and are still in their infancy. More attention is needed in the field of nanoparticle toxicology in the coming years to come. Singh Z (2023) Nanotoxicological Studies:


  VOLUME I SPECIAL THEMATIC ISSUE 1 GO TO THIS ISSUE Published Papers 29/09/22 Climate Change and Resource Conservation: Approaches to Sustainable Agriculture DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7126052 Rakesh Kumar ABSTRACT The developing nations of the world continue to face the two most critical concerns i.e. rapidly growing population and corresponding food consumption. These challenges could be achieved by boosting agricultural productivity using mineral fertilizers and pesticides. However, such agricultural techniques inspired by the green revolution have led to the dramatic decrease in soil fertility and ecological resilience (Singh et al., 2019). So, it argues for sustainable agriculture techniques that combine traditional healthy practices with contemporary agricultural growth. As a result, sustainable farming techniques are expected to be resource-efficient and robust to the current scenario of climate change. Kumar R (2022) Climate Change and Resource Conservation: Approaches to Sus


  VOLUME I ISSUE 2 GO TO THIS ISSUE Published Papers 15/07/22 Environmental Conservation Strategies in City of Joondalup Coastal and Foreshore Management Plan 2014 -2024 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7133142 Priya Khangotra The main objective of the City of Joondalup Coastal Foreshore Management Plan between 2014 and 2024 is to conserve, ameliorate the natural belongings of the city, and protracted conservancy of the environment and ecological significance for forthcoming generations by applying or generate, integrate, interpret and action of different environmental management mechanisms which include monitoring and reporting, education and information, voluntarism, command and control. This paper reveals the environmental conservation strategies under this plan. Khangotra P (2022) Environmental Conservation Strategies in City of Joondalup Coastal and Foreshore Management Plan 2014 – 2024. Environ Sci Arch 1(2):46 - 52.  15/07/22 Organic Farming: A Step towards Better Environment DOI:


    VOLUME I ISSUE 1 GO TO THIS ISSUE Published Papers 05/06/22 Microplastics are Everywhere   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7133067  Zorawar Singh The widespread use and misuse of plastics has resulted in serious environmental degradation issues which need to be addressed with immediate effect. Plastic is one of the most common types of marine debris found in our oceans and lakes. Plastic debris can come in any size and shape. But plastic particles less than five millimeters long are called microplastics. These tiny pieces could take decades or more to degrade fully. Thus, it is important to manage plastic use and disposal. Singh Z (2022) Microplastics are everywhere. Environ Sci Arch 1(1):1-3.  11/06/22 Significance Determination of Best Practices in the Perth-Darwin National Highway (Swan Valley Section), Western Australia   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7133094  Priya Khangotra Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process to determine, allocate, and intercommunicate the most signif

ESA - Interdisciplinary Approach

  Environmental Science Archives Interdisciplinary Approach One of the key strengths of Environmental Science Archives is its interdisciplinary approach to environmental science. The journal recognizes that environmental issues are complex and cannot be understood from a single disciplinary perspective. By publishing articles from a range of disciplines, the journal provides a comprehensive view of environmental issues and helps to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange. ​ In conclusion, Environmental Science Archives is an important platform for the dissemination of environmental science research. The journal’s open-access model and rigorous peer-review process ensure that the research published in the journal is of high quality and accessible to the widest possible audience. By promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange, the journal hopes to contribute to the development of sustainable environmental practices and policies and to advance o

ESA - Peer Review Process

  Environmental Science Archives PEER REVIEW PROCESS The peer-review process is an essential aspect of the journal’s commitment to quality and rigor. All articles submitted to Environmental Science Archives undergo a rigorous peer-review process, in which experts in the field evaluate the quality and relevance of the research. This process helps to ensure that the articles published in the journal are scientifically sound, well-researched, and of high quality.  In addition to research articles, the journal also publishes review articles, case studies, and commentaries. Review articles provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of research in a particular area, while case studies describe real-world applications of environmental science. Commentaries provide a forum for experts to share their opinions and perspectives on current environmental issues and to engage in constructive dialogue with others in the field. SUBMIT YOUR BEST RESEARCH PAPER SUBMIT NOW

Environmental Science Archives (e-ISSN: 2583-5092)

Environmental Science Archives (e-ISSN: 2583-5092)  ESA is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that publishes articles on the various aspects of environmental science. Environmental science is an interdisciplinary field that encompasses the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to understand the complex relationships between human societies and the environment. The journal provides a platform for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to share their findings, knowledge, and experience in the field of environmental science. ​ Environmental Science Archives aims to promote research and knowledge exchange on the various environmental issues that society faces today, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and resource depletion. The journal covers topics such as atmospheric science, oceanography, hydrology, geology, ecology, and conservation biology, among others. By publishing articles that address these issues, the journal hopes to contribute to the deve